Neighbourhood Plan poster.pdf

Bottesford Women's Institute

Meetings usually held 4th Monday each month at 7.00pm - 9.00pmBottesford and Yaddlethorpe Village Hall
Valley Park,  Bramley Crescent 
Bottesford DN16 3SN

Bottesford Bowls Club

Valley Park Bowling Green, off Bramley Crescent

May – September. Public Opening Time Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 2pm – 8pm Sunday 2pm– 5pm. Flat shoes must be worn. 

Tel: 01724 869311


After Bell Club

After Bell Club is an OFSTED registered after school provision for the children of Bottesford Infant, Bottesford Junior School, Yaddlethorpe Pre-school & Bottesford Bunnies
Children will be collected from the above by the After Bell Club staff.

Venue: Bottesford Civic Hall
Please email afterbellclub@yahoo.com for further information and to discuss a place for your child/children.
When emailing to express your interest, please include the following information:
Parent/carer's name and contact number
Childs/children's year group
Day/s childcare is required
The time/s you would like to collect your child/children.
Thank you
Lisa Sands

Bottesford Ladies Circle

Meeting held in the Village Hall at 7.15pm on the second Tuesday each month. May supper and Christmas lunch. 01724 859402

Mrs Atkinson

Scunthorpe Bridge Club
55A Sunningdale Road
Learn To Play Bridge starting Thursday 21st September 7.15pm, courses for complete beginners and improvers (each of 24 Lessons) For further information ring 01724 763190 (before 6pm) or text 07769048866

Friends of Bottesford Beck

Held in the Pavilion every third Wednesday, bi monthly. Helping keep the Beck and walks clean and accessible to all. 

Cllr Glyn Williams



Bottesford Bingo 

Bingo, raffles etc. Tuesday nights in Tea Pot Hall at 7.30pm till late. (You are allowed to bring your own wine/beer) 

Tel: 01724 340508


Tea Pot Hall

Open 9.30am-12 noon & 1.30pm-4.00pm Pop in centre for local residents. No membership, just call in for a chat, coffee/tea, go on shopping trips, theatre days, seaside outings, all in a friendly atmosphere. For all ages.

Monday and Wednesday Bingo/games afternoon is held with great prizes. 

Call 01724 859057


Bottesford Floral Art Group

Friends and Flowers

 I want to introduce Bottesford Floral Art Group to everybody, though to be fair we are not new. Next year we will be celebrating our 60th birthday so you could say we've been around a while. However, I feel that having dropped off the radar somewhat it's maybe time to let you know more about us and hopefully pique your interest.

We were established in 1964 as a flower club affiliated to NAFAS (National Association of Flower Arrangements Societies) and I suppose back in those times the stereo typical member you would imagine would maybe have been the 'twinset and pearls' brigade. I can assure you that we are far from that. We are a friendly vibrant group of all ages. We have members who are very skilled and love the opportunity to try things out for themselves, but we also have members, like me, who just love to watch the demonstrations and be educated and entertained for a couple of hours.

We have a fantastic programme lined up this year including demonstrations entitled 'Viva Andalusia', 'Love is in the Air' and 'Spring Forward' . We have a Christmas demo which is always popular and a chance to try things yourself in June. We are holding a fund-raising fashion show on March 29th - Everybody is welcome (£5) and are taking a bus to RHS Harlow Carr in July. So, you can see - it's pretty action packed.

All this takes place on the third Tuesday of the month in Bottesford Village Hall at 7.30pm, with refreshments and a raffle.

Why not give us a try? Come and visit (£10), relax and unwind for a while and see what you think. For further information please feel free to contact me, Fiona (Chair) 07923516505. Looking forward to seeing you. Facebook Bottesford Floral Art Group.


Held in the Civic Hall 6pm-7pm

Call 01724 859057 
for further details

Bottesford & Yaddlethorpe
Brownies & Guides 

Held at Yaddlethorpe Chapel

Brownies and Guides meet on a Tuesday night Brownies 6.00pm to 7.30 and Guides 7.30pm to 9.00pm

Join Us web site which is www.girlguiding.org.uk/joinus 

5th Ashby Scouts

Beavers meet on Wednesday evening from 5:20pm until 6:20pm—Contact Matt Johnson 

Cubs Wednesday evening from 6:20pm until 7.45pm Matt Johnson  myscout@onlinescoutmanager.co.uk

Scouts Monday 7:45pm until 9:00pm. Contact,

darren.cox@northlincsscouts.org.uk, 07769688219

Yaddlethorpe Methodist Church DN17 2RP

Hope House

.Bosom Family Support is a group that supports individuals affected by cancer, which meets on the third Wednesday of the month at Hope House 18 Cambridge Avenue Bottesford.

Bottesford Town Football Club

Birkdale Park, Ontario Road
North Lincolnshire
DN17 2TQ

DS Active football team

Bottesford Town Football Club have set up a football team for teenagers and young adults with Down's Syndrome. Runs every Monday from 6pm to 7pm at the Football Club Ontario Road.