Imagine this – it is a lovely, warm summer evening, the sun is still shining, and you are out in the open-air with your teammates, hoping to beat the opposition at a game of bowls. You are using - and improving - your skills in an attempt to get your bowls nearer to the jack than the opposing team. It is a reason to be out instead of vegetating in front of the telly. At the end of the game, you will probably go to a local pub to have a laugh and discuss what went right/wrong with the match!
Bottesford Town Bowls Club is situated on the same site as the village hall, Civic Hall, Teapot Hall, Youth Centre, and Valley park. Membership is open to all ages and abilities and there are facilities for the disabled.
The sport provides gentle exercise and the opportunity to make new friends on and off the green. The season lasts from May to September outdoors and short mat bowls is also played in the village hall from September to April.
The benefits are huge. By becoming a member, you will be immediately welcomed into the social atmosphere of the club, where you will acquire new friends, get some gentle exercise, and gain a new hobby. The club also organises other social get-togethers throughout the year.
Following the Governments relaxing of restrictions, the bowls club has recently re-opened and measures have been taken to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of all players. Competitive games are not being played at the moment so if you would like to try your hand at bowls in a relaxed and informal way or would just like to come along to see what it’s all about – then please phone Maureen on 869311 or Bob on 289266 when we can ensure that someone will be there to greet you.
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