
Notice of Public Rights 4.6.24.pdf
Bank - Cash and Investment Reconciliation as at 31 March 2024 (1).pdf
Sec 1 Annual Governance Statement 2324.pdf
Sec 2 Accounting Statements 2324.pdf
Explanation for 'No' responses in Sec 1.pdf
Explanation of variance 2324.pdf
Reconciliation box 7 and 8 2324.pdf
Annual Internal Audit 2324.pdf
Internal Audit Implications and Actions (web).pdf


Notice Conclusion of Audit 22 23.pdf
Notice of public rights 31.3.23.pdf
AGAR section 1.pdf
AGAR section 2.pdf
Income & Expenditure as at 31.3.23.pdf
Annual Internal Audit Report 2022 23.pdf


AGAR Sec 1 2021 2022.pdf
AGAR Sec 2 Account statement 31.3.22.pdf
External Auditors Report 21 2022.pdf
Annual Internal Audit Report 2021 22.pdf


Explanation of Internal Audit report (H) unaudited accounts.pdf
Notice of Conclusion of Audit.pdf
Annual Governance statement 2020 21.pdf
External Auditor Cert 2020 21.pdf
Accounting statement 2020 21.pdf
Internal Audit report 2020 21.pdf


External auditor Cert 2019 20.pdf
Annual Goverance Statement and Accounting Statement 2019-20.pdf


Annual statement of Accounts 18 19.pdf
Contracts 2022 23.pdf
Contracts 2023-24.pdf
Parks Grass Tender 2024.pdf
Weedkilling Tender 2024.pdf
Grass Verge PROW Tender 2024.pdf

S137 Financial Assistance Local Government Act 1972

Bottesford Floral Arts Group awarded £250 October 2023 for the continued running of the group

Asset reg 2022 23.pdf
Forward Budget 2022 23.pdf
Revised Budget 150523.pdf
Revised EMR 150523.pdf